
“When buying a car or a TV or a house, we will invariably spend hours researching models, efficiency, environment, schools etc – in other words, we’ll do our homework. How often do we spend that same amount of time on our career? Not only for the next role (which often just turns up) but really exploring, questioning and embracing what drives us, what our motivators are and our aspirations. Sounds obvious but I hadn’t previously devoted the requisite time.

I truly wish I had taken the time and used Julia’s Career Blueprint and her expertise 10 or even 20 years ago.

Absolutely essential discipline in today’s environment and I am now feeling really confident about my future career path, my strengths and motivators and just as importantly, what I don’t want to be doing or what goes against my core values.”

CFO, Media Industry

“As a senior leader I was really surprised the Career Blueprint identified and focused on my underlying core strengths and USPs rather than looking at my achievements within the jobs I’ve been in, and it turns out these are quite different. The Career Blueprint made my future career choices more relevant and more aligned for my capabilities and passion than anything else I’ve seen.”

Associate Director, Tertiary Education

“This was a very valuable exercise. I think the time needed to really explore motivated capabilities is underestimated by most people (me included). We spent 2 x 90minutes on the Career Blueprint and the result is a very thorough document that details my past experience, current drivers and future aspirations – all of which has been of great help in evaluating job opportunities as they present themselves.”

Senior Change/OD Manager, Professional Services

“Congratulations on your ‘Career Blueprint’ Julia. The sessions we had together were candid, totally relevant & flushed out key career aspects with pin point accuracy. Well done – great team work & it’s certainly clarified where my priorities are best focused. This career blueprint is sound value for money & I have already sung your praises!”

CEO and Entrepreneur

“I cannot speak highly enough of the career management services Julia offers and the advice she gives. The Career Blueprint we developed for my skills and motivations helped me choose avenues for maximum professional fulfilment. Julia’s practical tips on resumes and interviews were critical in a recent career transition. Blending empathy, common sense and deep expertise, Julia is a privilege to work with”.

Dr Matthew O’Meagher, Director, Latin American Centre of Asia Pacific Experience, Victoria University, Wellington

“Working with Julia on my Career Blueprint has been an investment in my future. We completed it at a time when I was undecided about whether to remain an independent contractor or seek permanent employment with an organisation. I knew I had built up a comprehensive skill set over the years but ironically this made it more difficult to choose a particular pathway. Reaffirming my values, thinking about the type of role and organisation I wanted to work in were all valuable facets of the Career Blueprint and it also didn't hurt to see a healthy tally of my achievements!

Once we had finished Julia then challenged me to use my Blueprint not to just get a job, but to get the right job. Moving forward, whenever I felt myself wavering I referred back to the information within my Career Blueprint and this helped me make some very important decisions at critical times. Julia’s HR expertise, warmth and pragmatism made completion of the Blueprint an empowering experience and a career investment I recommend others prioritise.”

Teresa Chin, Manager, CRO Reporting, Westpac