Search & Selection
The value proposition of our consultancy is to guide and support the complete life cycle of a career. This is a unique offering in the NZ market and we think it clearly differentiates our approach to executive search and selection.
The cost of getting recruitment wrong is well known so we really invest the time to get it right.
That means investing the time to really understand a client’s business to capture the value proposition and identify the business drivers so that we can be credible ambassadors as we take your organisation to market as your resourcing partners. We commit to that partnership from the outset, determined to find the best candidate in the market and we keep going until we find that person.
We also make the time to truly understand the role being recruited so that we can talk knowledgeably to potential candidates, particularly for a search assignment where we are actively approaching people to discuss their next career step and whether the role is right for them.
We take our candidates’ careers very seriously and they know this. We make the time to thoroughly study their career histories to ascertain their fit with an organisation as well as technical capability and experience. We only approach candidates we believe would be successful in a role. When a candidate is approached by us they know that careful thought has been applied before contacting them which means the approach is also taken seriously. This has been reflected in our 98% response rate to approaches.
We have developed a reputation over the years for working with our candidates on a career management basis due to the career coaching and outplacement services we also offer to support the complete life cycle of a career. We are genuinely interested in our candidates’ careers and our candidates are just as important to us as our clients. We are keen to position our candidates for success and in order to do this we need to really understand their motivation for a role as well as learn about their careers to date.
Truly understanding our candidates enables us to confidently present high calibre candidates who have been comprehensively interviewed and assessed by a team of qualified experts. Clients then receive in depth evaluation reports which give real insight into a candidate’s career history and modus operandi before they meet them for the final interview. It is our expectation that all finalists will be capable of executing the role requirements but one candidate will offer a stronger organisational fit.
We firmly believe we offer an unparalleled recruitment service and we support that through our unique twelve month guarantee. We also recommend a defined project fee for the recruitment campaign, predicated on time taken to recruit, to ensure cost effectiveness and certainty of budgeting from the outset on a ‘no surprises’ basis.
“I can highly recommend Julia as a professional, robustly process driven yet intuitive recruitment specialist. You will find Julia personable, approachable and dependable. Julia really gets to know you and understand what your needs are so she can assist you to make the right recruitment decisions for your organisation; from the way you promote the role right through to making the appointment. Julia has helped our organisation not only to recruit externally but also to assess internal candidates to ensure the move is right for us and them. You also can rest assured that good candidate care is being practised ensuring the reputation of your organisation is being upheld throughout the process. It is so important to make the right staffing decisions and the service that Julia provides is invaluable; it’s worth the investment and will save you time and money in the long run.“
Sonia Maugham, Diocesan Manager, Anglican Diocese of Auckland
“Julia recruited me into my current role, and the entire process was a smooth, clear and supremely professional experience. Julia's attention to detail on behalf of both client and candidate is exquisite, and I now know that both parties felt the same.
Her communication is always timely and appropriate, with a personal touch - she really knows her candidates. Her briefings are extraordinarily thorough and robust, and she is not afraid to ask the deal-breaker questions up front to ensure everybody's time is maximised.
Julia is one of the best-networked people in New Zealand and therefore has great reach. She is a joy to work with as a client too, as I was quick to find out, bringing her in to recruit a key senior role for my leadership team”
Gil Sewell, GM People and Culture, Professional Services
"I worked with Julia earlier this year on my career blueprint. I found Julia extremely professional and very helpful. Julia took the time to work with me to ensure we built a solid blueprint aligned to my values, aspirations and situation. Not only have I very much enjoyed these sessions with Julia, these have also helped me greatly putting my future in motion.
I would not hesitate to recommend Julia to anyone. Whether you are in a very successful career and want to plan a strong "where to next", whether you are stagnating or unsure of your current directions, whether you are unemployed and need a solid plan and reliable advice, or whether you are a company going through a redundancy phase wishing to offer your staff outplacement services."