Career Transition Coaching

We have developed a unique career scoping tool called the Career Blueprint™. Research has shown that 95% of us do not plan our careers strategically. Most of us are opportunistic job seekers who don’t invest the time to create a comprehensive career plan which is what the Career Blueprint captures.

The value of taking the time to reflect and plan is significant and investing the time to identify key motivational drivers can make all the difference to achieving a fulfilling and stimulating career. Understanding those drivers in turn helps people qualify which job opportunities they should apply for and increases their probability of success.

We have developed a comprehensive programme, tailored to each individual’s strengths and circumstances, which leverages over 25 years’ knowledge and expertise of career development and career coaching. Our objective is to ensure that individuals are in control of their careers and have the practical skills and knowledge to present themselves with increased self awareness, focus and certainty.

This in turn offers an increased  probability of success in securing  the right next career step.

“Thank you Julia for your wonderful help and support in creating my very own Career Blueprint. This is such a valuable document that will definitely guide and inform my future career decisions.

The value of the Blueprint goes way beyond the document itself; your ability to coach me through the process, tease out insights and challenge hard when required enabled me to synthesise the thinking that I probably had somewhere in my head but had never brought together in one place.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this process to anyone who is looking for more clarity on what their next career step should look like. Julia is a true professional, a supportive but challenging coach and above all a delightful person!”

Head of Business Sales, Telecommunications