Career Transition Coaching
We have developed a unique career scoping tool called the Career Blueprint™. Research has shown that 95% of us do not plan our careers strategically. Most of us are opportunistic job seekers who don’t invest the time to create a comprehensive career plan which is what the Career Blueprint captures.
The value of taking the time to reflect and plan is significant and investing the time to identify key motivational drivers can make all the difference to achieving a fulfilling and stimulating career. Understanding those drivers in turn helps people qualify which job opportunities they should apply for and increases their probability of success.
We have developed a comprehensive programme, tailored to each individual’s strengths and circumstances, which leverages over 25 years’ knowledge and expertise of career development and career coaching. Our objective is to ensure that individuals are in control of their careers and have the practical skills and knowledge to present themselves with increased self awareness, focus and certainty.
This in turn offers an increased probability of success in securing the right next career step.
Retention of talented people is an ongoing critical success factor for any organisation and research tells us that employees truly value any investment in their career development. Employers who recognise the importance of investing in their employee career aspirations clearly see a return on that investment as career development remains a top retention driver for most people. We recognise the value in investing the time to thoroughly capture the critical success factors for a rewarding and enjoyable career which is why we focus our career transition programme with completing a Career Blueprint, the unique career scoping tool we designed over 20 years ago to help people identify where they have a higher probability of setting themselves up for success in their careers. Given the opportunistic nature of job seeking for most people, the ability to articulate career aspirations to a line manager following completion of a Career Blueprint is a major benefit for employers as most line managers can struggle to identify a team member’s career thinking as that individual usually hasn’t had the opportunity to explore that thoroughly for themselves without completing a Career Blueprint.
Career Blueprint
A Career Blueprint can be completed at any stage of a career although ideally it is applied at the outset of career planning. It is an empowering and powerful exercise which enables people to clearly identify core principles and motivational drivers which remain true throughout someone’s career, as well as factoring in elements that change over time, depending on where someone is in their life.
This is a unique career scoping and envisioning tool that we have designed specifically to help people discover what they really want to focus on in their career and just as importantly, why. Spread over four 1.5 hour sessions a week apart, we work with people as experienced career coaches to help people craft their individual Career Blueprint which creates a framework to help them make a better, more informed decision about where they have a higher probability for setting themselves up for success in their next role. This is an extremely powerful exercise which results in a comprehensive document that has real longevity and creates a practical and effective action plan. It becomes a focused pathway for roles people want to explore and provides a robust checklist against which to measure potential roles to ensure they are on the right track.
The sessions can be conducted in person or remotely, depending on individual location, preference and availability. Once the Career Blueprint has been completed, individuals receive an online version which they are able to amend/edit over time as the document should be a living document that is frequently reviewed.
We don’t believe our work finishes when a Career Blueprint has been completed and we invite people to continue discussing their career thinking with us. We make no charge for this.
Everyone’s career genuinely matters to us.
“Thank you Julia for your wonderful help and support in creating my very own Career Blueprint. This is such a valuable document that will definitely guide and inform my future career decisions.
The value of the Blueprint goes way beyond the document itself; your ability to coach me through the process, tease out insights and challenge hard when required enabled me to synthesise the thinking that I probably had somewhere in my head but had never brought together in one place.
I would wholeheartedly recommend this process to anyone who is looking for more clarity on what their next career step should look like. Julia is a true professional, a supportive but challenging coach and above all a delightful person!”